Monday, September 30, 2019

Ocean Carriers Case Study Solution Essay

Executive Summary Given the current and expected market conditions, the financial department of the Ocean Carriers Group is to evaluate the potential revenues and expenses of commissioning a new capsize ship for cargo transportation in order to meet a received demand for lease. A recommended approach would consist in analyzing the expectations for the world economy, trends in world trade and potential contracts; however, an estimated time of service should be assigned in order to predict future cash flows. Summary of facts In January 2001, Mary Linn, vice president of Finance for Ocean Carriers, had to decide whether to accept an offered leasing contract for the duration of three years. In the event of acceptance of the above-mentioned contract, the profits of the company would depend on the agreed hire rates, operating costs, ship depreciation and inflation. After the closure of the contract, further income would be evaluated based on expected market daily hire rates. The conditions for the proposed lease are shown in exhibit 1. Statement of problem The duration of the leasing contract is quite short so the company has to analyze whether the investment as a whole will prove to be profitable even after the closure of the contract. In order to do so, they will have to take into account the fluctuations of the daily spot rates in the short and long terms, as well as existing differences in taxation policies within its offices in Hong Kong and in the United States. Last but not least, the company has to question the tenability of its 15-year policy. Analysis Spot hire rates Daily spot hire rates are predicted to fall in 2001 and 2002 due to an  increase in the fleet size (63 new vessels are scheduled for delivery) and expected stagnation in iron ore and coal shipments. Iron ore and coal imports are very important for the company because they are about 85% of the cargo it carries every year. Therefore, due to this future stagnation the company will face a weak market position, resulting in lower daily spot hire rates. Overall investment Despite negative market conditions in the upcoming 2 years, long-term prospects look much more promising. Iron ore vessel shipments are going to increase due to new players joining the iron ore industry: India and Australia. As a consequence, in this new global market, daily charter rates and spot daily charter rates will probably rise producing additional demand for shipments. Company’s 15-year policy The company used to scrap or sell ships just before their 15th year of navigation to avoid paying for maintenance expenses related to the 3rd special survey. According to our calculations presented in the Exhibit 2, scrapping the vessel before the 15th year is not recommended. Results show that the NPV of a ship after 15 years is higher than the scrap value of 5 million dollars. Thus, we advise the company to keep the ship longer than 15-year period, since operating the vessel over a longer period will earn additional profit and the ship can be scrapped some time later, granting the same million dollars. However, there are few factors that signal why company might be willing to get rid of the vessel. Firstly, if the company’s priority is to keep a young fleet of cargo ships, operating ships older than 15 years may not be the optimal choice. In fact, older ships are riskier and are less efficient. Secondly, due to low demand for older ships, leasing the same vessel in future might be an ineffective venture. Investment decision We computed two separate calculations for given two assumptions in Exhibit 2.  According to assumption A the company operates in United States, thus has to pay 35% of taxes, whilst according to assumption B, company operates in Hong Kong, and it’s exempt of taxes. Our calculations show that NPV in the first scenario is negative in both 2017 (-6,350,239) and 2027 (- 4,285,462) due to very high taxes, while in the second scenario the NPV is positive in both 2017 (1,719,018) and 2027 (4,025,600). It’s important to understand why we presented two columns for 2017. First column shows the numbers in the case of operating a vessel for 15 years, whilst second column shows the values in case ship was to be operated for a longer period. Another important fact to consider is that in the first scenario, when the company operates ship only for 15 years, we excluded the capital expenditure for 2017 related to the survey, Whilst, in the second scenario, while operating the ship for more than 15 years, we added the yearly capital expenditure back. We made an important assumption; we did not include capital expenditures linked to the last special survey, because we assumed that the company is scrapping the ship just before the special survey is conducted. Recommendations In conclusion, keeping in mind what we demonstrated before, the company should invest in the production of the new vessel only in Hong Kong and should not scrap it after 15 years, because its NPV will still be positive.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Historical Process of Individuals

CARIBBEAN STUDIES TOPIC: THE IMPACT OF HISTORICAL PROCESSES REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Describe TWO responses of Caribbean people oppression. (4 marks – 2005) 2. (a) Explain briefly the significance of â€Å"adult suffrage†. (2 marks – 2006) (b)Suggest TWO reasons why support for adult suffrage grew in Caribbean societies in the early 20th century. (4 marks – 2006) 3. (a) Name TWO regional territories to which large numbers of Caribbean people migrated between 1838 and 1920. (2 marks – 2007) (b)Give TWO reasons for such migration. (4 marks – 2007) 4. (a) Explain what is meant by indentureship in the context of the Caribbean experience. 2 marks – 2004) (b)State TWO ways in which indentureship differed from slavery in the Caribbean. (4 marks – 2004) 5. Describe THREE ways in which enslavement of people in the Caribbean contributed to the erasure of their cultural practices. (6 marks – 2003) 6. (a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘colonial education’. (2 marks – 2008) (b) Name TWO institutions that facilitated colonial education in the Caribbean. (2 marks – 2008) 7. (a) Name TWO groups of indentured labourers who were brought to the Caribbean after emancipation in 1838. 2 marks – 2009) (b) Give TWO reasons why EACH group of indentured labourers were brought to the Caribbean. (4 marks – 2009) 8. Explain what is meant by term ‘resistance’. (2 marks – 2010) 9. Describe TWO ways in which the Haitian Revolution impacted Caribbean society and culture. (4 marks – 2010) ESSAY QUESTIONS: CHOOSE ONE 1. Using examples from the Caribbean, explain how Caribbean people throughout history have responded to oppression. (2008) OR 2. Describe THREE ways in which education facilitated the colonial agenda in the Caribbean. (2010)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Britannica online

The early explorers are reported to have found wild cotton growing in the lowlands of Mississippi river and its tributaries that was generally regarded as the birth of cotton culture in America (Hunter p. 1918,pg1-50). The cotton growing in South and U. S gain precedent with the invention of the cotton gin in 1973 by Ely Whitney. The machine enabled quick processing of cotton as the cotton fiber would easily be separated from the seeds.The new revolution in agriculture came with slavery, since the success of plantation farming based on labor intensive techniques was directly linked to how a landowner was to procure workers(Britannica online. 2008). In Georgia, the whites bought slaves in large numbers. So, this expectation of a bumper cotton crop in the region ,not only changed the state's agricultural practice but also resulted in enslavement of thousands of people (New Georgia Encyclopedia). This geared up to a hike of demand for slave on the international slave trade.And as a resu lt, slavery and cotton had a great influence on the states that left indelible marks on international scene. The demand for cotton in domestic U. S resulted in developed, vast transportation networks that connected the farms,rivers and on to major ports. Though during the early days before the cotton boom of 18300s, the class difference was fused, the whites worked together with blacks, who comprised most the slavery gang of the plantations. Countries in central Georgia were transformed from slave to free labor. The ready market provided by Britain textile industries for the U.S cotton earned the country much foreign exchange. By 1920s, cotton products contributed to more than 50% of the U. S exports(Gieser James. 2004. New Georgia Britannica,). Cotton generally controlled agrarian economy of the south. The large southern cotton plantations were much profitable. The high earnings from cotton industry not only provided the economy with required foreign exchange but also resulted in a beefed power and influence on foreign affairs as the case of the south confederates. They became confident in power and influence of the king cotton,because it contributed to more than half of the U.S exports before the civil war. The southern confederates boasted that the importance of cotton would result into diplomatic recognition on the international scene and from the federal government, a recipe of the civil war (Gieser James. 2004. New Georgia Britannica). The overall growth of cotton production in Georgia between 1825 and 1860 was about 10 % and the southeast parts of the country were much preferred because they were seen as the great cotton regions that could yield the country a lot of sales from the high production that was accepted.The sustained increase in cotton production in the south of Georgia between these years led to change in population of America tremendously. In 1850 the US was seen as the greatest exporter of cotton and did a lot of manufacturing of cotton pr oducts that was more than the Great Britain industry(Hunter P,1918,pg 1-50). The cotton exports to Britain, marked the new era of industrial revolution in great Britain, this spread rapidly to other places and to U. S after the civil war in the country.There was sprout of new cities like Dallas and Phoenix that were transformed to modern urban bases,they grew rapidly as market and collection centers and manufacturing plants. Phoenix provided market for cotton needed for use in clothing,tires and fabric industries. However, the cotton farming in the south and U. S had a negative contribution to the spheres of life, in that,the immigrants from Europe and Africa flocked American cities to seek employment opportunities in manufacturing plants. This resulted to a surge in population and the creation of a class economy, where the whites were mostly employers for black slave gang.This, magnified economic slavery in states. The boast of power and influence by the confederates especially the southern confederates, was a precursor to the country's civil war and subsequently had a great influence on the political scene of the states. Political movements were formed that resulted in democratic struggles in the country. This marked the birth of democracy and the end of dark era of slavery in the states. Although cotton farming in South and USA depicted her negatively as a result of slave trade activities, it had a tremendous influence on economic,social and political scenes of the countries.It led to expanded sphere of influence by the U. S as she dominated cotton market. Most of the cities like Dallas and Phoenix expanded tremendously as a result of growth of cotton manufacturing plants. On social scene, the manufacturing firms provided employment to millions of people including the slaves as the gap between the slaves and white farmers was covered, during the cotton boom of 1830s Moreover, the labor laws were changed that allowed free interaction between the black slaves and their white lords.Reference:Britannica online. (2008) King cotton. http://www. britannica. com/eb/topic-318402/King-Cotton Gieser James C (. 2004) New Georgia Encyclopedia. Published on5/26/2004land and resources http://www. georgiaencyclopedia. org/nge/Article. jsp? id=h-2087 Hunter, P. (1918): cotton growth and spread in other parts of the world. State board of entomol. Bull, pp, 1-50.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Culture of Ecuador Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Culture of Ecuador - Essay Example The developing country in South America in the Western hemisphere, Ecuador is a country in which underdevelopment has been a feature of the political landscape in the post-independence period, in which subsistence is the norm and poverty runs rampant. Situated in north-west South America and bordering Columbia and Peru, Ecuador remains poverty-stricken and effectively removed from the forces of economic globalization which has come to characterize the developed West world. Seeking to address the history of this country as well as provide a social study of Ecuador today, this essay will begin with an introduction to this Latin American nation and follow with an analysis of the history and ethnic relations of Ecuador, the food and economy as well as the religious and political situation in Ecuador today. Seeking to provide as holistic an analysis as possible, we conclude with a concise overview of each issue studied and provide a comprehensive conclusion regarding the Ecuadorian condit ion today. Introduction Nicknamed the Light of America, Ecuador is a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America which shares relatively secure borders with Peru and Columbia as well as has direct access to the Pacific coast. Although originally, inhabited by the Amerindian Quitu, Caras and Incan people, Ecuador today is inhabited by a mix mestizo, Amerindian and European populations. Centered in the colonial capital of Quito, Ecuador history is fascinating and a brief overview of the history of this small nation is necessary in order to full situate the country within a larger historical context.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Miracles of the Quran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Miracles of the Quran - Essay Example It was revealed piecemeal to him in twenty three years, starting from when he was forty, till he died at the age of sixty three. The book was not compiled during his lifetime, with many Muslims memorizing it by heart; some years afterwards, a lot of these memorizers, or Hafiz, were killed in battle, therefore, the Muslim Caliph Usman decided to get it compiled. The compilation of Quran in its present form was, hence, done under the Caliphate of Usman. The Muslims believe that the Quran is the direct word of God. They believe that the angel Gabriel, or Jibra’eel, came to the Prophet Muhammad and revealed the word of God to him, which the latter disseminated amongst his followers. Muslims further believe that the word of God, the Quran, is revealed to be a source of guidance and direction for all humanity. The fact that they consider it the last revelation of God to mankind further stipulates that Muslims consider this to be the last guidance sent to man from God. This entails t hat they spend their lives trying to live according to the edicts of the Quran, and trying to bring their lives as close to the commands of the Quran as possible. The Muslims consider this to be a book from God for a multiple of reasons. One reason, as is put forward in the Quran itself, is that such a book, with its poetic and miraculous nature could never be produced by man. In the second Chapter, or Surah, of the Quran (the Cow, or Al-Baqarah), it is said â€Å"And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true† (verse 23). Furthermore, the Muslims believe that there have been miraculous claims in the Quran that are further testament to it being the word of God. These include various predictions or prophecies in the Quran that were later fulfilled. One such prophecy relates to the body of the Pharaoh (the Phara oh said to have oppressed the Jews); when relating the story of his death, God thus speaks to the Pharaoh in the Quran â€Å"This day shall We save thee in the body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!† (10: 92). The mummified body of a Pharaoh in an Egyptian Museum in Cairo is said to have been that of the same Pharaoh, thus the Quran’s prophecy regarding his body being preserved has proven to have come true. Further, a few years after the Byzantines had been defeated by the Persians completely, a revelation of the Quran said â€Å"The Roman Empire has been defeated – In a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs will soon be victorious – within a few years†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (60: 2-4). This seemed impossible as the Byzantines had incurred heavy losses and the Empire seemed to be at the brink of total annihilation, however, a few years after this revelation, t he Persians were, indeed, defeated by the Byzantines. Moreover, in Chapter 48 of the Quran, a prophesy is given regarding the taking of Mecca: â€Å"†¦ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (27). Some time afterwards, Mecca was indeed conquered by Muhammad and his followers, and they did enter the Sacred Mosque, or Kaaba, in the same condition described herein. Also, there have been some statements in the Quran that have been recently proven to be scientifically accurate. For example, when a verse of the Quran says â€Å"By the Firmament which returns (in its round)† (86: 11) and â€Å"

Consumers as Victims of Fashion Manipulation Essay

Consumers as Victims of Fashion Manipulation - Essay Example Fashion is a word that everyone admires and all want to be fashionable to be accepted in the egoistic society in which life prospers today. Everything from the color of the handkerchief to the perfume used is a criterion to measure the position of the person in the society. It is more or less a pseudo-prestige donor that the people rush behind it even if their pockets and wallets do not permit. They are compelled to do so by many factors around. To be precise, they are manipulated to consume certain standard of products in the society so as to make others approve them. It is basic human nature to have an urge for praise and admiration and the manipulating factors are well versed with this fact. It is, therefore, a necessity to study the situation and suggest possible solutions for the situation. The study presented here is based on the topic and the method used is secondary literature analysis. Websites like and are used for the collection of various data. Th e concepts introduced are supported by the examples of various advertisements shown on media. Fashion is a relative concept. Being fashionable is also the same. Fashion has changed from time to time. It is more or less prestige that rules the industry more than anything else. Fashion and being fashionable can be seen as the second side of the coin. The other side is that of consumption. Every fashionable being is expected to spend as much as possible to gain the best possible fashionable attire or accessory.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Marshall Plan and Communism after World War 2 Essay

The Marshall Plan and Communism after World War 2 - Essay Example Historical facts are used for purposes of knowledge and understanding of past events to help explaining contemporary and future events. On this basis, research into finding the answers to the above question will add knowledge to historians and other interested stakeholders. In addition, the information obtained will enable historians and other stakeholders in explaining contemporary and future communism. Such facts are provided within the analysis and conclusion of the paper. Section B: Summary of Evidence Communism is the economic and social system where property and resources are collectively owned and controlled by classless society. Marshall Plan (named after Secretary of State George Marshall) was intended to provide aid for fostering reconstruction of economies that had been destroyed by the World War II Between 1948 and 1951, US through the Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program, ERP) pumped money into Western Europe in order to spur redevelopment after the World War II Mars hall Plan was based on the dislocation of the entire European economy during the World War II Deteriorating European economies provided vistas for people to come together and own resources and production channels Main intention was to combat the spread of Soviet communism Goals of the Marshall Plan included: Rebuilding devastated region Removal of trade barriers Modernization of industry Making Europe prosperous again after the World War II Marshall’s success kept the Western Europe out of the communist bloc Economic weapons can be used in solving diplomatic problems Section C: Source Evaluation Ambrose, Stephen E. "The Presidency and Foreign Policy." Foreign Affairs 70.5 (1992): 120. In this article, Ambrose identifies some of the foreign policies employed by the US. Foreign policies are usually the guidelines that affect how a given nation interacts with other nations. This resource identifies the fact that Marshall Plan was developed out of the US foreign policies. The art icle provides the foundation of the plan making the research on the topic easier. Nonetheless, the article does not explicitly describe the Marshall Plan. Bernadette, Whelan. Ireland and the Marshall Plan 1947-1957. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000. Print. Bernadette in her book attempts to describe how Ireland benefitted from the Marshal Plan that was in effect between 1947 and 1958. Notably, the book addresses very crucial point in respect to how communism was going to arise within Europe had there been no aid from the US. What’s more, this book attempts to describe how communist bloc was a major concern for the US given that they had just emerged victors in the Second World War. Such information is important in establishing effectiveness of the Marshall Plan in preventing communism within the Western Europe. However, the limitation of the book is that it fails to explicitly provide a description and evaluation of the effects of Marshall Plan on communism in Europe. Burk, Ka thleen. "The Marshall Plan: Filling in some of the Blanks." Contemporary European History 10.2 (2001): 267-94. In the journal of Contemporary European History, Burk’s article revolves around the Marshall Plan and how it attempted to reconstruct the European economy. Burk’s article identifies some of the ‘blanks’ that many historians have failed to identified for all this time. For instance, Burk claims

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Corporate Social Responisbility Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corporate Social Responisbility - Research Paper Example This notion of corporate social responsibility has been heavily debated on in recent years so much so that researchers have called into question the existence of the â€Å"social† aspect in â€Å"corporate social responsibility†. Advocates of CSR have increasingly defined it in terms of human rights, ethics, closures of plants, relations with employees and the environment. A more comprehensive definition of CSR and sustainability encompasses all three foundations of sustainability, including the people, economy and the environment. If only the social and environmental development is taking place that is referred to as â€Å"bearable† (Chick and Micklethwaite 83). If only the social and economic development is taking place, that is referred to as â€Å"equitable†, whereas, if only the environmental and economic development takes places, that is referred to as â€Å"viable† (Chick and Micklethwaite 83). CSR is achieved only when all three dimensions d evelop simultaneously; that is, it is bearable, equitable and viable (Chick and Micklethwaite 83). The very mention of CSR calls into question the reason for business’ existence. Whether or not businesses should be responsible for the society and environment remains questionable since the primary purpose of a business is to satisfy its shareholders and generate profits. This is the line of argument used by classical theorists who are against the practice of CSR. According to Milton Friedman, the only social responsibility of a corporate entity is that of doing business in an open competitive marketplace that is free of deception and any fraud by utilizing its resources in order to increase profits (Friedman 6). The classical advocates further maintain that managers are mainly responsible for catering to shareholders’ interests by enhancing financial returns to the business. Practicing CSR may lead to the dilution of economic productivity since the investments made in C SR may be irrecoverable (due to the non-profit nature of CSR activities) (Friedman 6). However, advocates of CSR base their arguments in favor of the same for various reasons. Usually, companies engage in such disclosure for two main reasons: achieving a competitive edge by enhancing employee morale and goodwill and pressure by external stakeholders such as governments, environmental agencies etc. Not adhering to the latter’s demands would mean a loss in company’s goodwill and, hence, profits. This leads us to the argument related to stakeholder view used by proponents of CSR. This view was conceptualized as early as in the 1970’s by Freeman who described organizations in terms of the managers’ relationships with stakeholders (Garriga and Mele 59). A stakeholder is typically any individual entity or group that has an impact on, or is affected by the corporation’s goals and objectives (Garriga and Mele 59). Companies can reconcile the conflicting ob jectives amongst stakeholders by engaging in a successful CSR dialogue with them in which the company gives something of value (such as a public service) to a significant community in lieu of popular support from groups and individuals within the environment. Advocates of CSR further state that firms are required to exercise duty of care when dealing with both primary and silent stakeholders (such as the community) (O’Riordan and Fairbrass 748). By recognizing the fact that shareholders’ interests cannot be satisfied without satisfying (to some degree) the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysing the external environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysing the external environment - Essay Example The external environment is able to determine a business’s success or failure; that is why it is extremely important for businesses to carefully analyse it. The function of monitoring external environments serves to track any type of progress in commercial trends of known import. A number of external elements can be affected by company advertising, while others call for the business to implement changes (Daft, 2010:111). It is vital to monitor the fundamental components of a businesss external environment. Tactical business planning is essential in discovering new opportunities, as well as in reducing the potential impact of potential threats. In the past, companies that have neglected to keep an eye on the market have suffered heavy setbacks. A good example is Eastman Kodak which nearly became obsolete because it was unable to foresee the popularity of digital cameras (Harris, 2003:106). External tactical management assessments supply the management with premeditated plans that seek for opportunities and reduce the effects of threats. An external strategic proposal should include the following points: 1. Study external forces: It is important for a business to collect information concerning the political, economic, cultural, social, technological, and legal factors of its community. It should also take into account any changes in consumer demographics and seek to make sure that it gets its information from trustworthy sources. Companies should mainly use primary data, with other sources of secondary information being made use of sparingly. 2. Assess the competition: A company should gather competitive intelligence on its business rivals. The statistics gathered should include the distribution channels, plans for gaining more customers, and their value chain arrangement (Dibben, Wood and Roper, 2004:92). In this, a company will be able to determine how its competitors benefit from advantages that it might

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Christian Theology in A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Example for Free

Christian Theology in A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Conner reflects the Christian belief that even the most unlikely of people can be recipients of God’s grace. The grandmother and the Misfit, both â€Å"bad† in their own ways, are each unlikely and undeserving recipients of grace. According to Christian theology, humans are granted salvation through God’s grace, which can be bestowed upon to even the most unlikely. The grandmother’s and the Misfit’s moral codes they live by that affect their actions, decisions and perceptions. The term â€Å"moral† doesn’t necessarily mean good, but is simply the way people choose to live their lives. At first it seems as if it is the Misfit who lacks guidance as he continuously murders people. It is the grandmother whose moral code is weak and inconsistent. She has built her morals solely on what she believes make people â€Å"good.† She pays a great amount of attention in being a lady, repeatedly deceives her family, and lacks a clear standpoint on the world around her. She boasts about her love for Christianity, but does not seem to be able to pray when she finds herself in crisis. She even begins to question the power and divinity of Jesus. It is clear the grandmother is not sincere and aware of her actions. The Misfit has a strong and consistent moral code. The Misfit believes that the punishments he received from his experience of being a convicted criminal were always disproportional to his crime, and the crime doesn’t even matter at the end. He also shows a genuine curiosity about religion. The grandmother accepts faith unquestioningly while the Misfit challenges these beliefs and thinks deeply on how he should follow them or not. The Misfit has chosen to live under his assumption that religion is pointless and goes with his own belief â€Å"No pleasure but meanness.† (OConner 941). The Misfit only wishes he was present to see Jesus rise from the dead so he could know the events were factual. It is obvious the grandmother in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† lies to her grandchildren, manipulates her son, and makes several remarks as to why the  past times have superiority to the present. She believes she is morally superior to those younger than her. She also believes she has the right to judge the goodness of others and tell them how to live their lives. The grandmother seems quite oblivious to reality as she heads the family to somewhere completely different than where she thought they were. The tragic wreck was all due to the grandmother’s ignorance. Towards the final moments of her life, she instructs the Misfit to pray, despite the fact she lacks the sincere qualities herself necessary to form a prayer. As she grows afraid of what will happen to her, she agrees with the Misfit and changes her mind about Jesus rising from the dead. Her doing so reflects she is confused and unsure of her beliefs making her a very unlikely recipient of grace. The Misfit is an unrepentant murderer who finds no pleasure in anything but meanness. He shows no remorse for his actions. The Misfit was aware of Jesus being crucified, but felt that he would have had to see it to believe it for sure. Both characters show habitual sins and ultimately are each undeserving recipients of grace. Even people like the grandmother and the Misfit have potential to be saved by God, according to Christian Theology. The grandmother experiences a moment of grace after the Misfit’s wish to know for sure what Jesus did and didn’t do. Her head clears momentarily and she says â€Å"Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children!† (O’Conner 948). This suggests that the grandmother is realizing that they both are of the same kind. Given the circumstances, her comment seems pretty insane, but this is the g randmother’s clearest moment in the story. She shows compassion which implies that God has granted her grace just before she is shot by the Misfit. The Misfit too, is open to grace at this moment. He claims earlier in the story there was â€Å"no pleasure but meanness† in life, and now denies there is any pleasure in life at all after killing the grandmother. All his killings have quit giving him happiness, suggesting that he, too, may foster the possibility to change. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† has a strong, somewhat harsh portrayal of religion. The characters in this story are both awakened and their faith is altered. The Christian idea of moments of grace in this story apply to real life. It is believed among many Christian followers that God’s grace is very powerful, unlike any other human could give to another. Most people misunderstand this and think that blessings are granted upon those who do good works and  punishments through bad works. The use of grace has nothing to do with any kinds of works, which is where most people are mistaken. Rather, the principle to the Christian theology of grace is recognized in the bible by Solomon. He said it is vain to judge God on matters of good or bad works. God can surely do as he pleases and His ways are opposite of man’s ways. Solomon says: â€Å"There is vanity that is done under the earth; that there be just men, unto whom it happens according to the work of the wicked; again, there be wicked men, to whom it happens according to the work of the righteous: I said that this is also vanity.† (Ecclesiastes 5:14) This quote suggests that despite the actions one may do, it is up to the grace of God that determines what that person deserves or does not deserve. The use of grace is all part of God’s plan for humans. No matter how many men judge a person, it is only God’s judgment that determines who receives grace. The grandmother and Misfit have been awarded the positive aspects of grace, which is not dependent on works of any kind. According to Christian theology, humans are commanded to be righteous and not evil. It says in the bible that God loves his creations so intensely he gave his only son to die for all human sins, which was a big question mark for the Misfit. If only he had known for sure maybe he would have never committed the immoral crimes he did. If the Misfit would have only known that according to Christian theology, all humans are destined by God’s divine grace no matter what deeds that have been done on earth, he would have made wiser decisions. If only th e grandmother had been shot every day all of her life, according to the Misfit, would she have been a better lady. When thinking of Christian theology, one would agree it just pertains to religion and God. Theology is the study of religion, and God’s relation to the world. Theology is based upon the Old and New Testament in the Bible, as well as historic traditions practiced by Christians. It has been practiced for thousands of years. People have always tried to make justifications to argue, examine, clarify, defend or promote Christianity. The Misfit seems to know most aspects when it comes to the Christian religion, as he talks about all of Christ’s works in the story. The way he viewed Christian beliefs was all an outcome on how he lived his life. â€Å"Our concepts about the divine  inform our lives more deeply than most people can trace. Whether God is viewed as distant or near, as gracious or capricious, as concerned or apathetic, the conclusions we reach—whether the result of careful reflection or negligent assumptions—guide our lives.† (Kapic 1) The wa y people live their lives depends on an individuals’ belief about theology and the way God relates to the world. It is the beliefs people choose to accept that ultimately guides everyday lives. Whether people choose to accept or deny that there is a God, it is all based on individual experiences and beliefs. The grandmother seemed to have thought she knew all about Christianity, but judging by her actions, it is clear she did not genuinely live righteously. There is no factual evidence that Jesus is real, but many have come to receive grace in their final moments, as shown in â€Å"A Good Man.† Believers of Christian faith are thought out to be hypocritical and this stereotype fits the grandmother’s character in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.† Just like the grandmother and Misfit in the story, it is grace that enabled them to come to Christ sincerely. The final lines in the story depict both the grandmother’s and Misfit’s realizations as if they have received answers to all questions about life. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† reflects the Christian theology of grace. The grace of God is a gift, and if willing to accept it, even when undeserving, humans can be granted salvation like the grandmother was. The grace of God has been shown not to bestow upon the mere form of actions, but onto ones who are open to Christ, according to â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find.† Works Cited New King James Version. Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1982. Print. Kapic, Kelly M. A Little Book for New Theologians. InterVarsity Press, 2012. Print. O’Conner, Flannery. â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.† The Writer’s Presence. Bedford/St. Martins; Fourth Edition, 2003. 931-943. Print.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Achieving Operational Excellence with JIT (Just in Time)

Achieving Operational Excellence with JIT (Just in Time) The main method used in the race to gain Operational Excellence is JIT (Just in Time). JIT is an inventory strategy that Slack (1998) describes as producing goods and services exactly when they are needed The introduction of JIT (Just in Time) in Japan in the 1950s and early 1960s proved successful for the Toyota Motor Company and rapidly spread to further manufacturing plants. This report will explore JIT in further detail and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of employing such techniques in a range of manufacturing plants however there will be a large focus on Nissan Manufacturing UK. There is a range of planning and control techniques that can be implemented along side JIT to enhance the approach and can be fundamental to the overall success of JIT. They all stem from similar philosophical views of JIT. The author will be conducting research into the following methods some of which fall under the umbrella term Lean Manufacturing. This will also be explored in further detail in this report: MRPI (Materials Requirement Planning) or as it is now known as MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning). MRP is a system that oversees planning and inventory control. It ensures materials and resources are available when needed for production. It calculates the rate of end productivity being created from the line. Through the employment of JIT delivery of materials and interlinked delivery schedules, the MRP system manages the stock level so there is the lowest amount of inventory possible. Total Quality Management (JIT/TQM) is a method that emphasises the importance of quality management in all process in the organisation. Flynn (1995) believes the use of TQM practices leads to improved JIT performance by reducing manufacturing process variance. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) refers to the reduction of unplanned breakdowns by careful maintenance. It focuses on carefully structured maintenance procedures that reduce the possibility of down time due to malfunctioning of machinery. Cua (2001) states that TPM has†¦an indirect relationship through JIT with low cost, high levels of quality and strong delivery performance Setup Reduction (SUR) has a purpose of reducing the time, effort, and cost associated with changing a process from one activity to another Slack (1998). This involves reviewing the simple mechanical changes carried out on the line and making them more efficient using an array of methods that will be discussed in this report. Kanban is Japanese for card or signal. It is known for being pull-based planning of inventory control in comparison to the push-based planning of MRP. Slack (1998) describes Kanban in its simplest terms is a card used by a customer stage to instruct its supplier stage to send more materials This report will go into detail about the different types of Kanban and how they work along side JIT. The Authors Background Whilst working in the IT department at Nissan Sunderland during a placement year the author became very interested in the logistics and operational side of the company. Before Nissan, the author had no concept of how a company would go about implementing procedures and methods that would be operating in the factory to obtain optimum end results. The methods Nissan use to promote Operational Excellence were especially apparent during the year of 2008 which has been one of the most difficult and challenging years for all involved due to the economic climate, however it proved especially demanding for car manufacturers. The author was witness to redundancy, cut backs, and labour flexibility all of which were emergency policies in response to the economic climate to ensure the companys future. JIT was especially imperative during this time period as car sales severely declined. As Nissan had taken the JIT approach to their manufacturing it meant they did not have a large amount of stock that had been paid for but could not be utilised in the manufacturing of cars due to very few orders. Nissan utilises JIT and many of the methods mentioned in the introduction which will all be investigated to allow the author to evaluate how they enable a company to obtain operational excellence. Literature review Duggan (2007) describes Operational Excellence at operationalemployee level as being when each and every employee can see the flow of value to the customer, and fix that flow when it breaks down. However Glass (2008) describes Operational Excellence in wider context and believes it involves the company establishing a business-wide vision, measuring process performance against ideal and involving cross-sections of people in developing and implementing solutions. Accenture define Operational Excellence as sustaining operational performancethrough continuous improvement Continuous improvement can also be known as the Japanese word Kaizen which directly translated stands for Change and Good. The philosophy of Kaizen believes in continuing improvement involving everyone Kaizen Institution (2009). Companies need to take a Kaizen approach if they wish to pursue their end goal of achieving operational excellence. Smith (2002) believes that taking a Kaizen approach has helped many firms all across the globe to achieve better operational excellence and improve their productivity. Through the introduction of Kaizen in Nissan factories Nissan believe Failure is no longer viewed as a negative but as an opportunity for reflection, re-evaluation and the foundation for improvement NMUK (2009) and the improvements now highlighted in the company are the result of very small Kaizen activities rather than huge company wide activities. NMUK ( 2009) Kaizen however can also be viewed in a negative light; Corrigan (2005) believes it fails to reach the right diagnosis about the nature of the problem Nick Rich who held Toyotas Elite Scholarship in Japan and is now a Director of the innovative manufacturing research centre based at Cardiff University, also holds a negative stance on the philosophy of Kaizen stating Kaizen just pushes the problem around the plant never getting the source of the issue and upsetting most people who come to work to do a good job. Mackle (2009) believes to use Kaizen may have a part to play in the implementation of change: it is not the right tool for analysing what to change or designing what to change to. Lean Manufacturing is a common method of improving manufacturing operations. It is described as being A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement by flowing the product at the demand of the customer. ProcessPro Software (2009) Strategos Consultancy (2009) believes Lean Manufacturing also refers to manufacturing without waste. This waste or muda as it is known in Japan can be measure by various factors: obsolete inventory, preventable processing steps, unnecessary transportation of goods or people, time delays and poor quality of good. Most companies waste 70%-90% of their available resources. Even the bestLean Manufacturers probably waste 30%. (2004) Lean production is the name given to a group of highly efficient manufacturing techniques developed (mainly by large Japanese companies) in the 1980s and early 1990s. Lean production was seen as the third step in an historical progression, which took industry from the age of the craftsman through the methods of mass production and into an era that combined the best of both. It has been described as the most fundamental change to occur since mass production was brought to full development by Henry Ford early in the 20th century. (2009) Manufacturing companies are using the fall in sales due economic downturn as a chance to reassess their manufacturing procedures and look for opportunities to improve their Lean Manufacturing methods. Operational Excellence can be measured by a variety of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are dependant on the company striving to meet all the agreed best practises. Traditional measures of lead time, on-time delivery, and quality are all good because they will support flow. To help build operational excellence, here are a few new ones: The amount of suppliers on a formal connections (as a percentage higher is better) The amount of suppliers with a formal alert system (as a percentage higher is better) The number of alerts that occur (at first, higher is better, as the problems are being made visible) The number of customer impacts from the supply chain (as a percentage lower is better) Duggan K (2006). Quality in delivery All our deliveries will be of the predefined quality and will always cover the full scope. Cost-efficiency All our assignments and undertakings will always be as cost-efficient as possible. We will proactively suggest measures to cut costs and use efficient tools and methods to deliver at the required cost. Commitment to delivery All our deliveries will be on time. Sigma Kudos (2009) THE HISTORY OF LEAN MANUFACTURING QUOTES JAMES P WOMACK JIT is the most common pull manufacturing process. The basic method is that production at one level only happens when triggered by a request at the higher level, for example components are pulled onto the production line when activated by a customer order on a website. Hutchins (1999) explains JIT as being The term used to indicate that a process is capable of instant response to demand without the need for any overstocking, either in expectation of the demand being forthcoming or as a result of inefficiencies in the process How does the implementation of JIT meet Operational Excellence? What other methods can be used alongside JIT to achieve Operational Excellence? Aim of the project This aim of this report is to research and evaluate how manufacturing plants use JIT and other lean manufacturing techniques to achieve Operational Excellence. Objectives of this Report: * To identify what Lean Manufacturing is. * To determine the methods used in Lean Manufacturing. * To evaluate and assess the methods used in Lean Manufacturing. * To identify how JIT assists manufacturing plants achieve Operational Excellence. * To identify how manufacturing plants measure Operational Excellence. Methodology The author will be conducting secondary research to explore how operational excellence is obtained by implementing lean manufacturing techniques such as JIT. The research found will be investigated to confirm they are from a reputable source and reflect current procedures. Choosing to use secondary research data over primary research data is a wildly debated topic however I feel in this report secondary research is advantageous as the research process can be completed efficiently by the author. Primary research on this topic would be very hard to obtain as it is a specialist topic and is usually overseen by the management of a company based on their private statistics such as profit margins, down time and productivity. Therefore an unobtrusive approach is need for researching this subject area. As qualitative research is an entire research conducted within the boundaries of trustworthiness, transferability, credibility, dependability and confirmability Pickard (2007), the author will be evaluating the source of information for all the aforementioned aspects. The author will be mainly using books and journals for her secondary research. It is important to evaluate the books for possible out dated information as they can sometimes take years to reach publication. It is also imperative to be wary of theoretical slants aimed at the academic market Saunders (2007) Journals may also be written with a bias slant, and not all academic journals are refereed Saunders (2007) therefore the relevance and usefulness will vary. The author will take this into account when conducting her research. This report will be compiled by carrying out qualitative research in order to determine the nature of the issue. The reasoning behind taking this approach is this method allows for multiple perspectives on the phenomena under study. Pickard (2007). It is also because companies can interpret Operational Excellence in various ways dependant on the business end product and the area of focus detailed in their individual policy for Operational Excellence. Therefore specific facts and figures are only relevant to each individual company and cannot be used in comparisons with other manufacturing plants. The aim of this report is to provide a complete, detailed description and evaluation of Operational Excellence and the methods used to achieve this. It is not looking at interpreting low level data and deriving information regarding the subject area. The advantage of using qualitative research is that it seeks to understand other peoples interpretations of the topic and the author will formulate a conclusion from further investigation. It can be a very subjective method of research due to the competitive nature of the manufacturing world and each company claiming to be the leader in the race for Operational Excellence. However through diligent cross examination of books, journals and websites the author will be able to filter out bias views and formulate an objective view. Nissan will be the main case study due to the authors previous work experience position within the company. Nissan will be supplying the author with some of their in-house documents and policies that are used to brief employees, supplier and customer. The author will use cross-case comparisons to support their secondary research findings and the Nissan documentation. In carrying out this comparison the author believes it will provide a solid foundation of knowledge to the topic by identifying similarities and differences. After the author completes careful analytical generalisations based on the cross-case findings this will then provide a broad understanding and insight into the topic.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparison of HIIT Exercise and Cycling

Comparison of HIIT Exercise and Cycling State the research question being studied by the authors. Write a brief overview of the research topic by explaining the purpose of the study, the purpose of the problem being studied, and the results and conclusions. The purpose of this study was to explore physiological effects for a duration of eight weeks of regular physical activity in gym classes while doing either high intensity interval exercise or continuous moderate exercise on a bicycle. While the effects of high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) was researched in athletic populations, studies analyzing the effects of such interval workouts once per week in sedentary individuals while they also performed regular cardiorespiratory physical activity was uncommon. The results of this study were significant in finding that continuous moderate exercise when cycling improved body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in collegiate aged females who also participated in physical education classes. Cardiorespiratory fitness, measured by assessing maximum oxygen untake (VO2 Max), also improved in collegiate aged females during HIIE while cycling. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that female students in college could benef it from continuous moderate exercise (CME) training, when spin cycling. As the obesity epidemic and chronic disorders continue, which occurred due to a lack of physical activity, it was clear that the purpose of this study was to provide evidence to decrease the problems resulting from bad physical activity patterns. State the null and research hypotheses based upon the type of research design and statistics used in the study. The research hypothesis was that regular physical fitness classes complemented with HIIE were more effective in improving body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in college aged females than CME. The null hypothesis would be that there was no relationship between the type of exercise and body composition or cardiorespiratory fitness in collegiate aged females. State the independent, dependent and potentially confounding variables (if any) in the study. The independent variables were HIIE and CME. The dependent variables were body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. Confounding variables were gender, age, and prior physical activity. Describe the methods section in its entirety to test the null (describe the participants, instrument, procedures, and analysis). Forty-eight college aged females from a university in Poland participated in the study. While the students were not considered athletes, they had enrolled in a gym class that required them to exercise regularly for 45 minutes at a time twice a week. Measurements of body mass were taken to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. Body height was measured to the nearest centimeter. Body composition was calculated through body mass index after analyzing the fat mass and fat-free mass using a stand-on hand-to-foot analyzer with eight electrodes connecting the body without skin-to-skin contact. Waist and hip circumference were taken by one skilled exercise physiology expert to the nearest tenth of a centimeter. Each subject was placed in a random group. Twenty-four were performing HIIE. The other 24 participants were performing CME. Each session lasted 63 minutes over an eight-week period while being under the supervision of the trained exercise physiology specialist. The cycling program was done using a mechanically braked cycle ergometer so that the resistance of the cycle could be altered given the results from a heart rate monitor. Each training session started with a five-minute warm-up. The HIIE program required subjects to have two sessions of six sets of ten second sprints during each intervention. In between the ten second sprints were a one minute active recovery period with the subject pedaling to a speed so their heart rate was about 75% of their maximum heart rate. The CME program required subjects to pedal at a speed so they had a consistent heart rate of 75%. A ten-minute cool-down was also a part of both programs. VO2 Max was estimated using the Astrand-Rhyming nomogram at steady heart rate and heavy work load and the cycle ergometer test. Heart rate was assessed with a monitor and adjusted accordingly throughout the test. The aerobic capacity test started with a one W/kg load and continued until a heart rate was obtained between 135-150 beats per minute. Th e anaerobic test (AnT) was done on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. After the five-minute warm-up, as previously discussed, and after a five-minute rest, the AnT started using a load of 7.5% of the subjects body mass. With positive, verbal encouragement, the participants were instructed to progress to their maximum pedaling rate while cycling their fastest for a ten second period. After a period of maintaining a speed where the heart rate was 75% of the maximum heart rate for one minute, the participant was encouraged five more times to pedal their maximum speed while maintaining the appropriate heart rate after each time. To begin the analysis, body mass and height were similar within both groups before the testing. A two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was utilized to find results. Body composition results revealed fat mass decreased after the programs were completed. However, a larger increase in fat free mass was observed in the CME intervention compared to the HIIE in tervention. The findings were significant. As far as analyzing aerobic and anaerobic capacity, VO2 max, as well as power output and total work, presented a significant time effect of the program which resulted in improvement from both programs although power output was more improved in the HIIE subjects than the subjects who performed CME. Discuss and describe at least three ways to check for validity of findings. Content validity was a way to accurately assess what is being measured while using different aspects (Nelson, Silverman, Thomas, 2015). During the assessments of this study, a way content validity was checked throughout the study was by having an expert exercise physiologist measure each subject under supervision. To improve the content validity, another expert in the exercise physiology field should perform another similar assessment. Another way to check content validity was using the same formula to determine maximum heart rate. Construct validity was based on if the testing measures what was supposed to be assessed (Nelson et al., 2015). Since the research was done with female subjects in college, construct validity can be checked in the findings. The only difference with construct validity in this research was that only 48 females participated in the process. Based off those 48 females, the results generalize to college aged, female population. If a different group of female college students participated in the same study, the construct validity would improve. Criterion validity, in this research, was how well the type of exercise relates to body composition or cardiorespiratory fitness. Therefore, a way to check the validity of HIIE cycling would be comparing it to HIIE training using a different type of aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Discuss and describe at least five ways to check for reliability of findings. One of the ways to check reliability of these findings was using the test-retest reliability. To do so, all 48 participants in this study would be required to participate in an additional study performing the same tests using the same methods. Another way to check the reliability of findings is having multiple experts of exercise physiology assess and take measurements of the same subjects who performed during the study. Parallel forms reliability was another way to test the consistency of the findings. The subjects who performed the HIIE cycling should perform the CME while cycling so measurements can be taken. On the contrary, the subjects who performed the CME while cycling should perform the HIIE cycling. Subjects then can be evaluated to see if similar results occur. Internal consistency reliability was also a way to check for reliability of findings. Since the study was measured by one exercise physiologist with expertise in administering and measuring data from both cycling tests, including the positioning of the heart rate monitor or applying the correct resistance with the appropriate exercise program, the test has high internal consistency reliability (Henson, 2001, p. 177). The quality of the administrative procedure also affected the reliability of the study. During the study, participants were encouraged to participate using their best effort throughout the duration of the program testing. Keeping a consistent background with the correct explanation and process of testing, such as starting everyone with a five-minute warm-up and finishing with the appropriate cool down, was important for reliability purposes (Miller, 2006, p. 70). Describe methodology decisions that should reduce risk of Type I OR Type II errors in the study. One of the limitations of the research was not controlling the physical activity outside of the physical education classes and the HIIE or CME by cycling. Not controlling physical activity outside of the study could have influenced results if students performed extra physical activity. On the other end of the spectrum was calorie consumption which also was not strictly maintained. To reduce a type I error, which would provide false positive results, limiting physical activity outside of those parameters could provide more valid and reliable results because subjects reduce any number of excess calories burned outside of the study. Limiting the number of calories consumed per day throughout the duration of the study would also reduce the risk of a type I error. References Henson, R. K. (2001). Understanding internal consistency reliability estimates: A conceptual primer on coefficient alpha. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34(3), 177. Mazurek, K., Zmijewski, P., Krawczyk, K., Czajkowska, A., Keska, A., Kapuscinski, P., Mazurek, T. (2016). High intensity interval and moderate continuous cycle training in a physical education programme improves health-related fitness in young females. Biology of Sport, 33(2), 139-144. Miller, D. K. (2006). Measurement by the physical educator: Why and how (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Nelson, J. K., Silverman, S. J., Thomas, J. R. (2015). Research methods in physical activity(7th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Machiavelli Essay -- essays research papers

The Prince MAJOR THEME Machiavelli had a true and abiding love for Florence. He wanted to make Florence great and also find himself a job, as he lost his when the Medici family came into power. He dedicated his book on political science, The Prince, to Lorenzo Medici in the hopes that Lorenzo would be impressed and offer him a job. However, Lorenzo ignored the book and Machiavelli. The Prince is a didactic examination of political power, how to achieve it, maintain it, and expand it. Machiavelli does not take into consideration what is morally right, or amoral, only what is useful and useless. The book is more like a technical manual, and technical manuals only state the facts. The book defines what turns a mere man into a great ruler and what turns a great ruler into a mere man. Machiavelli’s book of politics is unique because it is so realistic. He does not place man in a false utopia where man live in eternal peace and harmony, everyone doing good to one another for the good of the public whole. Rather, he writes a manual where there are political conflicts and tensions. Machiavelli writes how a prince should deal with these conflicts and tensions. He condones cruelty, punishment, religion, rewards, compassion, and integrity to achieve power. Whatever means to achieve the end. QUESTIONS 2. Discuss Machiavelli’s “heroes';. Select one and discuss the traits that he finds admirable in that person. Be specific. Machiavelli&...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Adam Sandlers Kids Choice Award :: essays research papers

Adam Sandler is in control -- really The clout of a child-man Monday, April 14, 2003 Posted: 1:07 PM EDT (1707 GMT) Adam Sandler accepts a Kids' Choice Award for best movie actor. Many adult movie critics would disagree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATED †¢ Review: Jack's back in 'Anger Management' †¢ 'Anger' tops box office with $44.5M LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Adam Sandler, who's become one of Hollywood's top box-office draws by playing infantile men prone to fisticuffs and tantrums, displays in real life a shambling politeness and faux-naive modesty. With a shy smile, he often looks down as he speaks, while deflecting questions with self-deprecating jokes. The 36-year-old comic's almost childlike behavior conceals his status as a Hollywood workaholic who's unwaveringly loyal to his friends. "I was in his office 12 hours a day, and he was either working with me, or working on editing something else, or working on one of his other projects," said David Dorfman, screenwriter of "Anger Management," which co-stars Sandler and Jack Nicholson. "He worked nonstop." Sandler has used his clout not only to gain greater control over his own films, but also to boost the careers of former "Saturday Night Live" friends such as Rob Schneider, David Spade and Dana Carvey by guiding their pet projects through the studio system. Dorfman described Sandler as "a benevolent mogul," and Carvey said his 2002 film, "The Master of Disguise," would have gone nowhere without Sandler's help. "I mean, I owe him. I don't really know why he did it, you'd have to ask him. But it was great to have him push it through. I guess I was nice to him on 'Saturday Night Live,' " Carvey said, adding with a laugh: "Thank God." Critical roasting But some Sandler favors backfire. He gave directing duties of "The Master of Disguise" to his longtime production designer Perry Andelin Blake, although Blake had no previous experience. Critics complained that the film was a mess, and Sony was still reworking the movie shortly before its release last summer. Carvey had already starred on the late-night comedy show for five years when Sandler began appearing in 1991, the same year as Spade, whose 2001 film, "Joe Dirt," and upcoming "Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star" were produced by Sandler. Sandler co-stars with Jack Nicholson in "Anger Management." During his five-year run on the show, Sandler was known for impish characters such as Canteen Boy and musical bits such as Operaman.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nazeesh Yusef

The poem Theme For English B is a really Interesting poem. It's a bit difficult to understand, but after researching the biological, social, cultural, political, and historical context of this poem It was much easier to understand It. When looking at the cultural context the writer starts by writing his colored It gives a cultural context. The cultural context lets the readers know who the writer is and where it is coming from. The writer is officer colored is a male and is 22 years old.This poem Theme For English B is about a young student whose professor asks him to write a page about him and that page had to be true. The writer even lists the schools it had been to and how he realizes that he is the only colored student at the school. As looking at the historical context the time this poem was written was in the Jim Crow era where African Americans had difficulty entrance into an elite school than their white peers. Also, in this poem the writer is struggling with the color aspect .The writer is trundling so much that the writer doesn't even know If It should write Its poem on a white piece of paper or a colored piece of paper. Throughout this poem the writer Is trying to figure himself out with the poem. The cultural context helped me figure this poem out more Is because the whole poem was about the speaker, and what and who the speaker was. It's easier to understand the poem if you already have found clues about the writer. Almost the whole poem was about the writer and its race and its colored skin.

Monday, September 16, 2019

CQ- Self Assessment

Interestingly, regardless to what cultural ethnic one may claim, or what their particular values are; one thing that Is a common factor to all Is that before we can understand someone else, we must first seek our own understanding. â€Å"Human beings are more than a product of their circumstances or geographic location. Their innermost beliefs and values ultimately influence how they act† (Reilly, 2013).An additional definition of cultural intelligence cited in this week's lecture, puts a fine tune on the subject; as Early & Moisakos) describes Its simply blending in with the mall stream of population, this explanation Is nice as It covers a lot of ground In Just a few short words (2004). Figuratively, a part of ones destination on earth is to face the challenges that have been set forth. Seemly, these challenges fall under the category of cultural intelligence as one fulfills his/her Journey of learning to cope with the world on different levels in general.However, when we sp eak on human beings, we are speaking generally on society and cultural because they run hand in hand. If here was no society, there would be no culture. Culture can easily be described as the different activities, beliefs, and behaviors, of Like Individuals. Each culture has their own set of values, morals, and organizational goals. There is such thing as well cultured individuals (sometimes referred to as upper-class) that may go an extra mile to gain knowledge on the different diverse aspects of life. This type takes the opportunity to go that extra mile in fulfilling their educational and Christian goals.They enjoy the finer things In life, and have no problem with doing hat Is necessary to malting that goal. Then there Is another type that settles for average they may have been talking about fulfilling the goals of a well cultured individual for the last twenty years, but has yet to take a step toward doing so. Lastly, there is a group of individuals who are totally content with living in poverty and hanging around the local food banks everyday seeing what that can get for free. These three categories are examples of what make up a society in any given societal The way that Livermore explains culture is so very Interesting because aspect.In the text he sheds light on Issues that at some point In an Individuals life these things were taken for granted, probably because one had no idea that these things had a title. In supporting this last sentence the author is making reference to how Livermore describes culture â€Å"as an elusive, dynamic concept that shapes everything we do, things such as eating, sleeping, and bathing as an abstract of how we read the Scriptures, relate to God and communicate truth, are all rooted In our cultural context† (2009 p. 90).As Livermore speaks on these concepts, It brings to mind how e have all become accustomed to, as a way of life. Our own life pattern has a lot to do with how one's culture is created. Attaining as m uch knowledge as possible is always a plus because it assists in developing cultural intelligence. Speaking on the development of cultural intelligence; Reilly, offers important factors of gaining knowledge â€Å"gather facts about different people, places, political and economic systems, their traditions, diet and fashions, this can be done formally or informally, by using social networks or from first-hand experience† (2013).Additionally, once knowledge is gained it can be used toward building awareness and respect for others culturally. Respecting other cultures is a must. Some may think that because another individual may wear different types of clothing, or eat different types of food, or talk a little different than themselves, that it's k to make fun or disrespect them. As we are all culturally different to some degree we must not Judge or be bitter towards anyone but instead show love, respect and kindness.As much knowledge as one may have on culture it doesn't rut to periodically do a self-assessment. Self-assessments are designed to enhance our understanding of cultural intelligence (2009). It could probably be looked upon like taking your car in for an oil change, enhancing the durability of your car, making sure everything is running smoothly. Taking a self-assessment test gives one the opportunity to enhance themselves in all phases of cultural diversity. After completing the given self-assessment I was really surprise.Apparently I do not give myself enough credit. According to the interpretation of the score in neural, I fell under the guidelines of having an average ICQ in my ability to work in a diverse cultural setting. My knowledge of cultural strategic thinking surprises me as it showed excellent. This is the area that I would have thought to be average. Perseverance showed that I am excellent in cultural motivation, and the interpretation of my score for behavioral ICQ fell under the guidelines of being moderate, this one I don't agr ee with at all.After my very first cultural experience, I honestly feel that I learned a lifetime worth of knowledge in regards to my behavior. Livermore, notes that â€Å"many individuals under-or overestimate themselves; therefore, a multilateral assessment has much greater validity' (2013). For my ministry my behavior needs to be excellent. Over the next 12 months I will work earnestly at improving my two average scores. Miraculously, the two average scores being behavior and my ability to work in an average setting are the two that are of most importance to me simply because of my Spiritual calling to advocate with teens all over the world.I have absolutely no room for average in these areas, these hillier need help and the Holy Spirit has chosen me as one of His disciples in this particular ministry. My plan is to seek further testing, consulting and training in the needed areas. Instead of being a volunteer advocate for Boy Scouts of America twice a month, I will put in my bi d to volunteer three times a month. This will give me hands on chance to work on my behavioral and cultural diversity setting skills. I will spend more time with my students in my youth ministry outreach program. Fasting more and prayer will be an additional item on my to-do-list.Instead of staying n my quiet place in prayer for an hour every day for the next 12 months I plan to add and additional thirty minutes. Being around people in general should also help with more activities at the local youth centers as well as at church. In conclusion, the ICQ self-assessment test has been completed; review and the finding have been reported. Several explanations or definitions of cultural intelligence from different scholars have been discussed and evaluated. Last, a twelve month plan to improve my overall ICQ has been added including a full discussion on my honest intentions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Culture and Ethnicity Essay

Belarus has a diverse culture and ethnicity. Statistics from the 1989 population census revealed that the Belarusian in soviet union were majority making up over 77% of the total population, the Russians cover 13. 2%, the poles 4. 1% Ukrainians 2. 9% and others who include Tatars, Lithuanians and Latvians cover 2. 9%. I am a Belarusian, a community that makes up the large majority of the people (Mongabay 2009). The Belarusian language is east Slavic tongue which is intimately related to Ukrainian and Russian. The language is the soul of the nation and an important aspect of culture a part from being a means of communication. The Belarusian, have diverse religious affiliations. I am a Russian orthodox Christian though other religions also exist in the region; the Protestants, roman Catholics, Jewish and Muslims (Mongabay 2009). Family and community history describe the current multi-culture as a product of millennium development with several external influence like physical surroundings; merger of Slavic and Baltic natives, paganism, orthodox religion interaction with literary customs, lack of natural borders and a diversity of religions. Education in Belarus region is compulsory for all the age groups seven to seventeen years especially in the primary school and secondary school. During the communist reign, teaching was chiefly done in Russian with no Belarusian but this was changed in 1992 when Belarusian was made the national language and to be used in schools. The healthcare services have failed to meet the requirements of the large population, the staffs is poorly trained and substandard technology cannot conform to new changes (Mongabay 2009). The human service organizations have created some centers like the republic centre on AIDS to help manage the national problem. Reference Mongabay. com (2009) Belarus Society: Country Studies. Federal Research Division retrieved on 20th January 2009 from http://www. mongabay. com/reference/country_studies/belarus/SOCIETY. html

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Explain the Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment on Psychology and Behaviour Essay

The Stanford prison experiment ,led by professor Philip Zimbardo, was aimed at seeing the effect on people on becoming prisoners or prison guards. The idea was to see what happens to people when they are put in relatively ‘evil’ places. Do the people themselves become evil or is there no net effect? The results indicated that in fact people adapt to their role exceptionally well. It was observed that the prison guards became overly tyrannical to the level of sadism. In consequence the prisoners were seen to be under severe stress to the extent that they became crazy or depressed. 24 volunteers were selected that had no psychological problems, health issues or any past crime accounts. They were brought to a mock prison set up in the basement of the Stanford university’s psychology building where they were randomly assigned to be prisoners or guards. 3 prisoners each were given rooms that they had to live in for 24 hours of the day and the guards were given 8 hour shifts to work in. The study was observed upon using cameras and microphones. They study was supposed to last for 14 days but had to be halted after 6 days due to extreme unethical practices in the prison. The Stanford prison experiment showed us that human beings alter to the situation they are put in. The guards won total control over the prisoners who blindly followed orders. All of this in just 5 days of experimental conditions. Zimbardo said that the prisoners had internalised their roles and thus continued to participate in the experiment on their own will. One example of this is when they introduced themselves to the priest with their serial number rather than their real name. Another example would be of the prison consultant who took on the role of an autocratic head of the parole board. After the experiment was over he was said to be disgusted at the person he had become. In essence there were two groups created among the volunteers, therefore, according to social identity theory ,people in the in-group would exhibit in-group favouritism and a sense of discrimination of the out-group. This can explain the unanimity between the guards themselves and their certain dislike towards the inmates. To further build on this ,the idea of the prison guards being a group may evoke the feeling of anonymity, which would allow the guards to be more free and aggressive as they could shake off responsibility for their actions. This is called deindividuation theory. It may be a cause of the violence occurred on the prisoners by the guards as there is a diffusion of responsibility. The Self-fulfilling prophecy states that when a person is given a label we often live up to that expectation. In the same way ,as the volunteers were given labels, they tried to live up to that expectation and thus acted in the way they thought they should. Furthermore it can be said that the volunteers had set stereotypes on the idea of a prison guard and prisoner. It can be assumed that these stereotypes illustrated the prison guards to be strong and authoritative. It could also be an illusionary correlation made by them through watching films or through media (which means that they attribute the behaviour of the prison guards to their disposition rather than situation :FAE). The theory of cognitive dissonance can also be used to understand why the prisoners and guards acted this way. They had to alter their mind-set(attitudes) to match with their behaviours so that there was no tension in their self identity. The situation put the prisoners in certain set roles that they tried to live up to and thus they changed their behaviour. This experiment along with Milligram’s shock experiment demonstrates the fundamental attribution error which says that there is a overestimation of dispositional factors and under-estimation of situational factors when we attribute. It changed the way we looked at psychology in a socio-cultural aspect. This experiment has helped us understand how good people do bad things such as the torture of Iraqi prisoners in the Abu Gharib prison, which was a real life example of the same results obtained by Zimabardo. It was also used to investigate matters such as prison riots and abuse of juveniles in many prisons. Young adults are also known to be power hungry. Their lust for power might have changed the way they would have normally behaved. The prisoners were made powerless and thus started to behave in such a way. They became depressed ,helpless and unstable. Thus it can be said that power also affected their behaviour. In relation to gender I believe that there would not have been much difference in the experiment as people, male or female, tend to have similar schematic processing when it comes to social perceptions of a certain group or individuals. If conducted with only females it is more likely that there would have been lesser violence as it has been researched that testosterone, which is much more predominating in males, is a cause of sexual arousal and aggression. Culture would not affect the behaviour as everybody needs some power in their life and if power is stolen from us we tend to become unstable. Lastly, it can be argued that all the volunteers of the experiment were college students. These students are more likely to be aggressive, as they would have higher testosterone levels compared to older guards in regular prisons. The volunteers were mostly white males who were on average ,financially stable, which when compared to regular prisoners would not equate well as people in prisons are usually financially unstable. It goes without saying that this experiment was extremely unethical. It did harmed the volunteers both physically and mentally as they were put under severe stress as well as physical torture. Their consent forms were not complete as it id not involve the details of the experiment. The volunteers did not know what they were getting themselves into , for example strip searched which is a violation itself. They were also ,without prior knowledge ,arrested. Zimbardo himself became the super-intendant and did not abide by his role as a psychologist ,which should have been the case to have an unbiased study. The experiment had no controls and thus is therefore severely criticised. Therefore the validity and ethics of this experiment, relating to its method are questioned. In conclusion, the experiment was a path breaking exercise that opened our eyes to show us the vulnerability of our race in terms of conformity and how we adapt to our situations especially when it comes to the fight for power.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Reagan Revolution through President Obama Research Paper

Reagan Revolution through President Obama - Research Paper Example Regan’s deregulation movement saw privatization of transport and industrial sectors which benefit Americans to date. On current matters, the nation's decision to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks was based on allegations by the Bush administration which did not receive support from the international community. Reagan Revolution through President Obama In his farewell speech, Ronald Regan talked of his experience as the United States president and how revolutionary those years were; hence the term Regan Revolution. His revolution has been on numerous debates with conservatives seeing him as a hero while liberals still complain about what he ruined and what he changed. Nonetheless, his legacy shaped and is still shaping American politics, culture, economics and diplomacy. All US presidents after Regan have looked up to his model of presidential leadership. During one of his democratic campaigns in Nevada in 2008, current president, Barrack Obama recogniz ed the achievements of the Regan revolution. This is a clear indication that Obama contemplated on following Regan’s footsteps in bringing change to America (Troy, 2004). This paper discusses how president Obama brought about the Regan revolution. ... Fourthly, giving examples, the paper explains how the deregulation movement of the Reagan era affects Americans today. Lastly, it discusses the reasons behind the nation's decision to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq, after the 9/11 attacks, as well as the response from the international community. Discussion There were significant historical turning points that occurred during the Regan regime. One is the privatization of companies and groups to provide services previously offered by the government. This was advantageous in that it reduced the governments’ size and direct influence in society. This also reduced expenses and bureaucracy in these aspects since private firms provide services at lower operational costs and increased efficiency than government agencies. The other historic turning point was the rebuilding of the weak military. Rebuilding of the military provided security for its people and made US a reliable ally and a superpower that can neutralize the Soviet a ggression and expansion (Troy, 2004). The AIDS epidemic was detected in the US in 1981 (Troy, 2004). Politicians did not respond to it and further associated it with homosexuals who they felt could be ignored. In 1981 Center for Disease Control published the first official document of the disease, but the government chose to ignore it and offered no support to the public. Medical breakthroughs occurred between 1986 and 1987, but people were frustrated over the length of time it took to improve access. Even with the availability of the drugs they were still not affordable. Signing of the HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of October 2009 brought an improvement in the quality and availability of care, especially to the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The negative affects that natural gas drilling in the marcellus shale Essay

The negative affects that natural gas drilling in the marcellus shale region will have on the enviroment and specifically the de - Essay Example Marcellus shale is organic rich and carbonaceous shale of lesser density, and which is found under the subsurface of the regions of West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. As a matter of fact, tiny parts of Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia and Tennessee have also been found to be having Marcellus shale. (1) Almost till the recent past, the avenue of geology hardly considered Marcellus shale to be a primary natural gas source. Even though drilling of wells was carried out at that time itself, yet, the quantity of natural gas produced was too small to be generating any interest in Marcellus shale, for the geologists. During that period, no one could anticipate that natural gas produced from Marcellus would constitute a major chunk of the entire supply (of natural gas), of the US. (1) It was in the year 2002 that the Geological Survey of the United States ascertained that untapped natural gas present in the Marcellus shale was to the tune of 1.9 trillion cubic feet. Subsequently, th e natural gas drilling operations were initiated by Appalachia, LLC in Washington and Pennsylvania, in the year 2003. The supply of natural gas discovered by this company was highly impressive. After that, there has been a rapid growth in the drilling activities in the regions having Marcellus shale. In fact, it has been estimated that as of the year 2007, well over 375 gas wells were authorized in the zone of Pennsylvania. (1) Numerous companies are now conducting drilling operations in the Marcellus shale regions. North Coast Energy, Range Resources, Equitable Production Company, Fortuna Energy and Atlas Energy Resources, to name a few, are some of the players endeavoring to benefit by the potential of Marcellus shale. It has been calculated that as of the year 2010, the number of wells that have been drilled in the zones (with Marcellus shale) is about 1386. Some sections of the natural gas sector are strongly opining that wells of Marcellus shale would yield natural gas enough t o assure profits to companies, at least for the next few decades. (1) Environmental Effects The surge in natural gas drilling operations in the Marcellus shale zones is undoubtedly addressing the all-important issue of unemployment. As a matter of fact, it is being projected that during the course of the next decade approximately 20, 000 jobs would be generated, courtesy the natural gas drilling. Yet, it needs to be admitted that, all that is not without exercising an adverse effect on the environment. (2) In this context, it has to be mentioned that almost all the natural gas drilling companies are now relying on the advanced processes of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. In these processes, several wells are drilled at the same spot and water to the extent of five million gallons is used for each well. Here, the disturbing fact is that there are hardly any companies that recycle the water. In fact, at least as of now, the process of hydraulic fracturing does not come u nder the purview of the Clean Water Act. (2) The various rivers and water bodies that are there in the zones of Marcellus shale add further beauty to the locales. And these very water bodies are being adversely impacted by the huge quantities of used water resulting from drilling operation

Developing for an online business in Vietnam Research Proposal

Developing for an online business in Vietnam - Research Proposal Example The online hosting makes it possible for one to establish a business, look for customers and make deals over the Internet. The integration of ICT into commercial applications has greatly changed the business sector. One can now engage in business activities with foreign countries, yet at the convenience of his / her office. Establishing, meeting and transacting business deals have now revolutionised (Phan, 2003, pp. 581–582). However, there are business ethics, conduct and regulations that must apply even to the online business dealings. As one intends to venture into this kind of trade, specific procedures are bound to apply. This ensures sanity, law and order in the execution of various business activities. Innovations in technology have not been exhaustively explored, and thus, there exist great opportunities for exploitation in business. Therefore, in the analysis of the untapped business opportunities through online trading, this business research intends to learn more of the e-business prospects existing in the country and analyse the regulations of the country and the future trends for business operations. Rationale / Thesis Trade has certainly been seen as a key pillar of any government and country’s growth and development. Exploitation of many forms of businesses is commendable in order to diversify and reduce risks of overreliance on certain sectors of the economy. Online business has been seen to thrive well in many parts of the world with the returns being enormous. However, in some regions, the field remains unexplored or underexplored. The emerging world trade trends indicate that the success of trading activities in the future may rely much on the Internet for activities such as marketing, meeting clients, striking deals and sealing up business transactions. It is thus important that the government and the people of Vietnam explore the untapped field of doing business over cyber space. Justification Many of the previous studies in t rade have concentrated more on the other modes of doing business and neglected the evolutionary trend of online business. Vietnam has in the recent past recorded commendable economic growth. Many countries, and especially the Western economies, are continuously directing their investments in trade into Vietnam. It is, therefore, of sound importance for researches to be done in order to have substantive information in this field, which would help investors in the decision making process. By having proper information on the trends taking shape in Vietnam in terms of trade, all stakeholders in the economy would be in a better position to make informed decisions as pertains to trade and business. Objectives To evaluate the effects of e-trading on the overall trade performance of Vietnam To draw policy recommendations for stakeholders in trade and development agencies Questions 1. How far has the online trade been exploited in Vietnam? 2. Who are the dominant investors in the sector: the Vietnamese or foreigners? 3. What are the other opportunities available for exploitation in terms of trade in Vietnam? 4. How are trade regulations formulated and enforced in the country and what is the role of the private sector and public sector in this? Hypothesis This research will be based on three hypotheses. These hypotheses are based on a generalisation of ideas, which will need to be substantiated by research. 1. Hypothesis: If economic performance of any economy is related to trade, then e-commerce is of importance towards

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Caring for the Elderly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Caring for the Elderly - Essay Example As studies emphasize the continued activeness contributes to longevity and health of elderly, there has been significant initiatives to increase their activeness on a personal and community level (Caring for the Elderly). The elderly should not be marginalized, set aside or to be made feel unwanted or uncared for. The motivation is for the elderly to be able to enjoy the longevity that is afforded them by new developments in medical science to the fullest. Many programs has encouraged many senior citizens to stay active or become active. This has increased their quality of life while at the same has provided essential support among the individuals in their age group (Williams & Garland 379). However, success of the programs has been limited and health departments are turning to private and community groups to improve the situation of more senior citizens. In Northern Ireland, case study programs have been launched to assess the effectiveness of physical development programs for the elderly and the leanings from the programs are to be the basis of programs to be launched in Britain in 2007 (Northern Ireland Social Care Council [NISCC]). Among the popularized programs that have initiated by the Unite Kingdom's National Health Service include community exercise programs that include Tai Chi and dance. The programs are centered on the theory that improving the level of physical activity can enhance the overall all health of the subjects, enhancing or maintained include dexterity, agility, endurance and coordination (McGuire-Snieckus et al 8). Continued physical activeness can significantly enhance everyday physical activities since muscle tone and related body functions are maintained (Caring for the Elderly). Though there are strict considerations for individuals who have existing conditions particularly those who may have conditions that impair their judgment as well as for cardio vascular or immunological conditions (Garland et al 454). The objective is to be able to not just let them enjoy the activities but to also derive pleasure and fulfillment form their physical activities. Social Care Together with the studies that give evidence that beyond the physical activity that is involved in the programs, interaction during the activities also plays an important role for the individuals participating in the programs (McGuire-Snieckus et al 11). Thus, the physical activities or therapies serve as the host for other programs designed for the age groups that also aim to enhance their life and the effectiveness of their medications and treatments. The elderly should be considered a heritage to society: treasured and valued for their lives and learning. Parts of existing rehabilitation programs for the elederly are in combicnation with juvenile programs. The elderly serve as mentors for the troubled youths providing them real life insights regarding their addiction or other conditions. The program has had success because of the relationship that is fostered among the participants and on the side of the more senior participants it allows them to share their feelings and realizations from their lives (Lalor et al) According to researches, one of the most difficult sources of problem for the elderly involves their marginalization and diminished access to social institutions and activities that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fat and Happy All at the Same Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fat and Happy All at the Same Time - Essay Example She vividly discussed the convention activities and provided a touching and moving realization on what she referred to as overcoming her old assumptions. The second article Fat and Happy was written by Hillel Schwartz, presented two selections entitled Vindication of Fat and The Fat Society: A Utopia. Schwartz openly discussed in the first selection the prejudice and biases experienced by fat people which can range from childhood to adulthood. On the second selection regarding the Fat Society, Schwartz wittingly discussed the utopian spectacle of a Fat society, where size of your waists or hips does not matter in attaining social freedom or personal happiness. In Mary Ray Worley's Fat and Happy, the author's main argument was there are a "growing number of people who believe that it is possible to be happy with your body even if it happens to be fat." Worley successfully argued the aforementioned premises by sharing her own experiences and the realization of being fat and happy all at the same time. According to her, she was able to realize her full potential when she joined the NAFAA Convention.1 She was able to fully utilize and interpret the information she has gathered.

Monday, September 9, 2019

EMBA 555 Executive coaching discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EMBA 555 Executive coaching discussion 1 - Essay Example Just as the Week 1 lecture stated, other people reinforced what we thought we should be in our lives by repetition and instilling strong emotions in us, but these may have actually distracted us from the aspirations we had for ourselves and for which we should have strived. One of the obstacles that hinders us from discovering ourselves is other people’s opinions which are dispensed as truth or wisdom, and which affect us well into adulthood. Some parents tend to be quite hard on their kids in an attempt to mold them into good adults. Such discipline is good in some sense when it inspires children to strive harder and realize their capabilities. But when those people we look up to – parents, guardians, and role models – provide the wrong kind of influence or pressure, although they harbor the best of intentions, they are unaware that the young minds they seek to mold are actually hindered from discovering their true selves (Del Toro, 2009). Del Toro, M S (2009) Parental Discipline Styles: A Study of Its Effects on the Development of Young Adults at the University Level. Retrieved 25 March 2013 from